

The best way of keeping track your achievements.

Below you can find a list of significant events in my “professional life”. Whether it’s a paper, an open source package, or a talk – it’s going to be here. At least as long as I find it significant in any way.

If you’d like to read a summarized version – check out the About section above. There you’ll find more details and a couple of additional links. And if you are looking for my posts, head straight to the Blog.



Supervising · IDE for Regular Games (PDF) Jakub Cieśluk (engineering thesis)

Teaching · Artificial Intelligence (link) Laboratory, one group.

Teaching · React (link) Laboratory, one group.

Conference · Program Commitee member (link) Game Artificial Intelligence. Foundations of Digital Games, 2024.


Employment · — Now Head of Engineering at aleno My day-to-day work focuses on enabling others to work effectively but also being a part of the development team using Meteor, GraphQL, MongoDB, and React (yep, there’s a ton of other things in our stack).

Talk · meet.js Summit (link, slides, YouTube) Talk on cross-browser performance compatibility.

Competition · Tales of Tribute AI Competition (link) IEEE World Conference on Games, 2023.

Paper · Summarizing Strategy Card Game AI Competition (arXiv, DOI) Jakub Kowalski and Radosław Miernik. IEEE Conference on Games.

Package · changestream-to-redis (Docker, GitHub) Automatically publish MongoDB changes to Redis for Meteor.

Talk · ReactJS Wrocław #27 (link, slides, YouTube) Talk on complexity of touch interfaces in React.

Preprint · Introducing Tales of Tribute AI Competition (arXiv) Jakub Kowalski, Radosław Miernik, Katarzyna Polak, Dominik Budzki, and Damian Kowalik.

Conference · Program Commitee member (link) IEEE Conference on Games, 2023.

Teaching · Artificial Intelligence (link) Laboratory, one group.

Conference · Program Commitee member (link) Game Artificial Intelligence, Late Breaking Short Papers. Foundations of Digital Games, 2023.


Teaching · Creating Front End Applications (link) Laboratory, one group.

Talk · Meteor Impact 2022 (link, slides, video) Why all the fuss about Fibers?

Package · — Now Meteor.js (GitHub, link) Core contributor and community leader focused on the async Blaze templates, MongoDB integration, better TypeScript support, and Fibers removal.

Conference · Program Commitee member (link) AI for Game Playing, Benchmarks and Competitions, Main Track, Procedural Content Generation. IEEE World Conference on Games, 2022.

Conference · Program Commitee member (link) Game Artificial Intelligence, Late Breaking Short Papers. Foundations of Digital Games, 2022.

Employment · — Now Student Researcher at University of Wrocław (link) National Science Centre, Poland. Project number: NCN OPUS 2021/41/B/ST6/03691.

Teaching · Artificial Intelligence (link) Laboratory, one group.

Paper · Evolving Evaluation Functions for Collectible Card Game AI (arXiv, DOI) Radosław Miernik and Jakub Kowalski. International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence.

Paper · Developing a Successful Bomberman Agent (arXiv, DOI) Dominik Kowalczyk, Jakub Kowalski, Hubert Obrzut, Michał Maras, Szymon Kosakowski, and Radosław Miernik. International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence.


Talk · Meteor Impact 2021 (link, slides, YouTube) Talk about the performance in Meteor.

Teaching · Artificial Intelligence for Games (link) Laboratory, one group.

Education · — Now Computer Science, PhD studies at University of Wrocław (link) General Game Description Language Based on Finite Automata.

Talk · ReactJS Wrocław #22 (link, slides, YouTube) Talk on throw in React.

Competition · Strategy Card Game AI Competition (link) IEEE World Conference on Games, 2021.

Conference · Program Commitee member (link) AI for Game Playing, Benchmarks and Competitions, Procedural Content Generation. IEEE World Conference on Games, 2021.

Package · ranges-set (GitHub, npm) Set operations on human-friendly ranges.


Talk · Meteor Impact 2020 (link, slides, YouTube) Talk about the uniforms library.

Paper · Efficient Reasoning in Regular Boardgames (arXiv, DOI) Jakub Kowalski, Radosław Miernik, Maksymilian Mika, Wojciech Pawlik, Jakub Sutowicz, Marek Szykuła, and Andrzej Tkaczyk. IEEE Conference on Games.

Competition · Strategy Card Game AI Competition (link) IEEE World Conference on Games, 2020.

Conference · Program Commitee member (link) Benchmarks and Competitions, Competition Papers. IEEE World Conference on Games, 2020.

Paper · Evolutionary Approach to Collectible Card Game Arena Deckbuilding using Active Genes (arXiv, DOI) Jakub Kowalski and Radosław Miernik. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation.

Competition · Strategy Card Game AI Competition (link) IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2020.

Employment · Student Researcher at University of Wrocław (link) National Science Centre, Poland. Project number: NCN OPUS 2017/25/B/ST6/01920.


Talk · GraphQL Wrocław #4 (link, slides, YouTube) Lightning talk about overfetching in GraphQL.

Interview · Nasza biblioteka uniforms ma ponad 200 tys. pobrań. Jak to osiągnęliśmy? - Just Geek IT (link) Aplikacje, które robimy mają formularze. Niektóre mają ich więcej, niektóre mniej. Pisanie ich to bardzo powtarzalna praca, którą chcieliśmy zautomatyzować…

Competition · Strategy Card Game AI Competition (link) IEEE Conference on Games, 2019.

Competition · Strategy Card Game AI Competition (link) IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2019.

Talk · GraphQL Wrocław #2 (link, slides, YouTube) Lightning talk about uniforms.

Application · Lambda calculus β-reduction graphs (GitHub, link) A simple graphing tool for lambda calculus.

Education · Computer Science, Master studies at University of Wrocław (PDF) Artificial Intelligence for Strategy Card Games: Search and Content Generation.


Article · Dynamic aggregations with SparrowQL (link) If you’ve ever worked with MongoDB aggregation pipeline before, you may have noticed that it’s a very powerful tool…

Package · sparrowql (GitHub, npm) Declarative MongoDB aggregations.

Competition · CodinGame Legends of Code and Magic (link) Legends of Code and Magic (LOCM) is a small implementation of a Strategy Card Game, designed to perform AI research.

Paper · Strategic Features and Terrain Generation for Balanced Heroes of Might and Magic III Maps (DOI, GitHub) Jakub Kowalski, Radosław Miernik, Piotr Pytlik, Maciej Pawlikowski, Krzysztof Piecuch, and Jakub Sękowski. IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games.


Application · Docteer (GitHub) Documents organisation tool with fuzzy text search.

Package · meteor-flow-types (GitHub, link) Flow typings for Meteor.

Package · homm3lua (GitHub) Lua API for homm3tools.


Package · uniforms (GitHub, npm) Bunch of React components and helpers to easily generate and validate forms.

Package · MiniMongoExplorer (Chrome Web Store, GitHub) Handy Google Chrome extension for reviewing MiniMongo.


Education · Computer Science, Engineer studies at University of Wrocław (PDF) Evolutionary algorithms for strategic card games.

Employment · Head of Engineering at Vazco My day-to-day work focuses on planning and leading the development of web applications. It includes participating in the product definition, designing the architecture, estimating its costs, structuring database(s), meeting with clients, maintaining project health through setting up CI/CD, performance monitoring or tests, peer-reviewing, and finally, programming. Additionally, I audit and consult external systems (mainly for performance and stability), supervise a couple of software developers or soon-to-be tech leads, and lead an open source group.